The Digital India programme is a flagship programme of the Government of India with a vision to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy.
The digital India initiative was launched by Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi in last month. The industry leaders committed to invest Rs. 4.5 lakh crores to create 1.8 million jobs on this occassion. With so much buzz around this, it makes us wonder “what is digital India?” “How does it help the common man?” “How will it help in the development of the country?”Well, digital India is a digital platform that will connect the common man to the government and host of useful resources that will positively impact and benefit every one of us. In simple terms, what the government plans to do is create a complex countrywide digital network reaching out to the far corners of the country, provide cheap access to all citizens to this network by way of low cost smart phones and tablets and facilitate IT literacy programs so that benefits flow to all people and not just the digitally empowered or the rich. An illiterate farmer can get current information on seeds or weather, sitting in the comfort of his hut. All schools will be connected to the central server and
e-learning materials can be accessed. That’s good education for all and not just the rich elite. It will increase transparency of all government programs and reduce corruption.
To make this vision true, three broad things must happen:
1. Infrastructure must be created countrywide broadband and huge investment in IT and digital hardware.
2. Delivery platforms – the software and mobile applications (more popularly called apps)
must be built
3. Digital literacy – Making India 100% digitally literate nation
It is thus not difficult to visualize that all of this requires investment and creation
of new manufacturing units. It also means millions of jobs for youth.
For more information visit this page
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